Supported languages from hospital: English, Chinese, Russian, Mongolian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Arabic
1. It makes a bright, big eyes and distinct impression by adjusting and lifting droopy eyelids and muscles.
2. Don’t need wrinkles on the forehead because eyes are corrected and now eyes don’t open with using the forehead.
3. It is operated through connecting tiny holes and muscles that helps opening the eyes, so it leaves almost no scars and swelling.
4. Design is made after analyzing general shape of face, nose, the skin around the eyes and shape.
5. The burden of scar and swelling is down Satisfaction of the design is high It’s a customized eye surgery.
1. It is advised to use ice pack right after the surgery until swelling goes down.
2. After the surgery, swellings or bruises could occur depending on the condition and avoid bending head down or lying on the stomach. Sleeping with 2-3 pillows under the head will help with subsiding pain.
3. When tear drops are coming out, it is advice not to scratch your eyes, closing eyes too hard.
4. After the surgery, you should avoid drinking or smoking for 2~3 weeks.
5. Contact lenses are to be worn after 3 weeks.
6. Simple eye makes can be done 2 weeks after the surgery, and cosmetic fake lashes should be used after 1 month.
7. Sauna or hot spring should be avoided for 2~3 weeks.