BJ KOREA is an officially certified facilitator company for medical tour in Korea. We provide excellent medical treatment for patients seeking for best hospitals in Korea. We are working in partnership with more than 30 hospitals/clinics, all of which are the best ones in Korea.
With our services, patients are guaranteed to get the highest quality of health care service, doctor's experience, and the most affordable price(appr. 30% cheaper prices).
We offer different level of services, depending on your budget to suite your individual needs.
All kinds of medical treatment/surgeries are available such as;
-Cosmetic plastic surgery (face, breast, body contouring, tummy tuck, etc)
-Comprehensive health checkup
-Joint/spine treatment
-Skin treatment
-Dental care
-Oriental medicine
-Other all majors customers are looking for
BJ KOREA will have patients feel secured during whole tour, and hopes all patients are satisfied with our services and enjoy their tours in Korea.
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